
Hacktivist is the action of the hacker to call public attention to a social issue or promote a social change.

Hacktivist is usually an individual but also have a group like “Anonymous”. They are being a hacker to hack the website and action to target the governments or organizations that they accuse of censorship.


Some hacktivist may also take over the social media accounts of journalists and express their opinions and get people attention. For example, in 2018 Aug, there has an attack targeted journalists from Bloomberg, The New York Times and Fox News. The hacker wants to spread their messages and promote their political stances through these accounts.

Also, in 2016, there were 12 Afghan government websites being defaced and websites belonging to the Bank of Israel and the Israeli Prime Minister took down by hacktivist. These attacks ware driven by political motivations, like the opium production in Afghan, and Israel’s treatment to Palestinians etc.



  1. Khatchadourian, R. (2010, June 7). No Secrets. Retrieved from https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/06/07/no-secrets
  2. Benkler, Y. (2011) ‘A free irresponsible press: Wikileaks and the battle over the soul of the networked fourth estate’, p. 1-33 Retrieved from http://www.benkler.org/Benkler_Wikileaks_current.pdf
  3. Fazzini, K. (2018, August 24). Turkish ‘hacktivists’ take over social media accounts of US journalists. Retrieved from https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/24/turkish-hacktivists-make-cyberattacks-on-us-journalists.html
  4. Chandler, S. (2018, October 17). YouTube HACKED? Cyber-attack group claims responsibility for outage. Retrieved from https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/7514214/youtube-hack-ghost-squad-cyberattack-outage-down/
  5. Ludlow, R. (2018, February 26). ‘Hacktivist’ group takes down state websites, telephones. Retrieved from https://www.dispatch.com/news/20180226/hacktivist-group-takes-down-state-websites-telephones


  1. i still believe there are good and bad hackers.. good is the group that only prank for a while, but for the bad one maybe its like taking money from ppl or cracking stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. hackers are not always bad, this blog underlines the fact that even hacking could be used to promote a social cause. We need to start seeing good in these things, as they are much more honest than our own governments.

    Liked by 2 people

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